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October Half Term Holiday Ideas

With everything that has gone on over the last 18 months, we can understand that you want to make every school holiday count. So much to make up for! How about a family activity holiday this Autumn?

Our family activity holidays are available to book during the October Half Term Holiday from just £325pp and this 6 night break away is packed full of excitement and fun.

Each day you will enjoy a range of activities (included in the price) from caving & climbing to stand up paddleboarding and high ropes. Suitable for kids and teens alike, our holidays attract a great mix of ages and are pitched at a level to suit your child so there are plenty of friends to be made as well as quality time together as a family. Check out the itinerary here.

We are told that one of best things about our activity holidays is that everything is organised & included making the holiday so much easier (with no arguing about what to do!) Also there will be no bored teenagers on this holiday. With so much going on as well as spaces to socialise away from mum and dad, this is the ideal holiday for families with teenagers (something we are often asked about).

Autumn is a great time to be outdoors having adventures and we provide all the gear to keep you warm and dry (should it be needed- hopefully not!)

If you can't get away for a holiday this October break (boo hoo), here are some more ideas to help you enjoy October Half Term:

Go for a woodland walk and build a shelter

The woods are the ideal place to spend in October half term, with the leaves looking so beautiful in the Autumnal sunshine. Building a shelter out of the many sticks available to find in the forest can be a great family activity. Perhaps have a competition on who can build the largest shelter or find the most sticks. Will yours keep you dry if it rains? So much fun to be had!

Have a garden campfire

We love a good campfire (especially when it involves toasting marshmallows!) A campfire bowl or pit is a great investment for your garden to keep the fire contained and off the grass. If you don't have one, find some big stones and make your own :) Get the fire on, the marshmallows out, wrap up and enjoy some cosy family time altogether in the great outdoors!

Go stargazing

Autumn is a great time to go star gazing because the skies are getting darker earlier. We love to get our head torches out and go for a night time adventure walk to somewhere that doesn't have much light pollution around. Then turn off the torches and look up- you'll be amazed at what you see! Pack a hot flask of something yummy, grab the picnic blanket and stare at the stars.

Bake some home made cookies

Ok so it isn't an outdoor activity, but it's a great one to do after you've been for a walk through the autumn leaves. Bake some yummy home made cookies, put the log burner on (if you have one) and then eat them all up whilst watching a good movie. Happy days :) here are some great recipes we've found:

We hope to see you soon on one our family adventure holidays (maybe even this October half term!) Find out more about our activity holidays at

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